Integrated Arts?

The Integrated Arts is a model designed to offer support, extension, and supplementary experiences in content areas through interdisciplinary arts activities. The Common Core Standards' emphasis on developing depth and rigor in thought and the ability to communicate relevant information with increasing skill provides the necessary impetus for this model. Content will be viewed through many lenses, allowing the entirety of relevant ideas to be processed and applied broadly and with added depth. Work with visual arts, music, drama, literature, writing, technology, and design will be incorporated and collaboration with classroom teachers will be ongoing. As Yeats wrote, "Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire". The Integrated Arts is an opportunity to light a very purposeful, very directed fire.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Rocky the Grumpy Owl

Kindergarteners have just begun their journey in creativity. They are so free and happy to engage with new ideas and experiences. When I go into their Kindergarten classrooms I see fully engaged, smiling faces, working in developmentally appropriate ways to master so many skills. Just a month ago I was honored to watch a retelling of a story they had crafted together. Inspired, I asked if they would like to create their own book with me. The answer was a resounding "Yes!".

We began our story by deciding on a character. Rocky the Owl was born. Shortly thereafter we used several art techniques to create our new feathered friend. Horizon lines, flat-crayon texture, foreground, and background were concepts discussed early in the project. For Rocky himself we used the idea of high-contrast between light and dark colors to make our owls stand out and short lessons about showing emotion with eyes and eyebrows on cartoon characters. They each have their own personality and details. They are each a child's version of their story character.

We will continue this project by writing together over the next two weeks. After completion. The children will each have a copy of their book, complete with owl illustrations from their own classrooms. We will later have copies of this book available in both our school library and in the Kindergarten classrooms.

Great job my precocious friends!

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